Dr. Dipanja Datta

BGCILevel IIcertified Genetic Counselor

Dr. Dipanjana Datta is aBGCILevel IIcertified Genetic Counselor and has 13 years of experience in the field of human genetics. She is the West Bengal Coordinator for Organization of Rare Disease India and also an invited member in the State ( WB)Rare DiseaseTaskForce.Dr. Dattadid her M.Sc.in BiochemistryfromCalcutta Universityandcompletedher PhDfrom Indian Instituteof Chemical Biology, Kolkata ( IICB).She was a post-doctoral fellow from Virginia Common Wealth University (VCU) and has published in numerous international journals of repute like PNAS, Journal of Neurology, Plos One, International Journal of Gastroenterology, etc. Dr Datta also holds a patent on in discovery and validation of New Biomarkers formetastasis in Head & Neck Canceralong with other members.

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